
How Vimeo CEO Anjali Sud’s Failures Led to Multimillion-Dollar Success (originally posted on Brown Girl Magazine)

---In hono(u)r of the Independence Days of Pakistan and India, I wanted to share the following post I wrote for Brown Girl Magazine--- We all remember the day we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. In first-generation South Asian households, the responses are often predictable: doctor, engineer or lawyer. Your parents … Continue reading How Vimeo CEO Anjali Sud’s Failures Led to Multimillion-Dollar Success (originally posted on Brown Girl Magazine)


A New Year.

New years hold some kind of promise, don't they? They whisper of new adventures, new escapes, new getaways. With a new year, we can learn something more, something new. Every year, I try to set a reading goal, books read or papers highlighted through. But this year, I want to make myself a promise of … Continue reading A New Year.


It’s time to stretch out your thoughts.

As we grow up, we turn into different versions of ourselves. We are still us, but we have experiences that shape us and shorten us and (sometimes) stretch us. When I was younger, I only slightly veered from the safe routes. I strayed by listening to rock music, but I didn’t venture into mosh pits. I stepped … Continue reading It’s time to stretch out your thoughts.


There’s a chance this could be WATER

“No, thanks, just water for me.” In America, when I say I don’t drink, my conversations often end. People turn away to someone who can relate to their experiences. When I say I don’t drink, people assume I won’t join them out at a bar or a party. “No, thanks, just water for me.” It … Continue reading There’s a chance this could be WATER


How did independence forget about similarity?

We have officially crossed into August 14 (if you go by Pakistan time)... Which is Independence Day in Pakistan! Celebrations today range in ferocity, effort, and beauty. Going to Pakistan to see family meant I was able to partake in some celebrations. But one of my dearest friends is Indian. In her country, Independence Day is celebrated … Continue reading How did independence forget about similarity?